Katalog Induk Perpustakaan Sekolah




Lords of poverty : the power, prestige, and corruption of the international aid business

Lords of Poverty is a case study in betrayals of a public trust. The shortcomings of aid are numerous, and serious enough to raise questions about the viability of the practice at its most fundamental levels. Hancocks report is thorough, deeply shocking, and certain to cause critical reevaluation of the governments motives in giving foreign aid, and of the true needs of our intended beneficiaries.

Pengarang Hancock, Graham
No. Panggil 338.9 Han l
ISBN/ISSN 9780871134691
Klasifikasi 338.9/1/091724 20
Bahasa English
Penerbit Rosda
Tahun Terbit 1994
Tempat Terbit Pekalongan
Kolasi xvi, 234 p. ; 22 cm.
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