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Pocket world in figures 2015 edition (BI)

Full of facts and figures about thr world today - -on subjects as divers as geography, demographics, business, finance and the economy, transport, tourism and the environment, society, culture and crime - this 24th annual edition of the economist pocket world in figures is a treasure trove of facinating data that will both inform and entertain . whether you want to know which are the worlds fastest growing economies or those with the highest debts; which countries, by the most most music or have most facebook users; the least literate population or the best universities; anything from air quality to zinc production, it's all in the economist pocket world in figures.

Pengarang The economist in association with profile books LTD
No. Panggil 330.9 ECO p
ISBN/ISSN 9781781252734
Klasifikasi 330.9
Bahasa Inggris
Penerbit L.E.G.O Spa. Laivis
Tahun Terbit 2014
Tempat Terbit Italy
Kolasi 255 hlm.; 10 x 20 cm
Detil Spesifik
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