Katalog Induk Perpustakaan Sekolah



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Forgotten people:poverty, risk and social security in Indonesia

In Forgotten People Gerben Nooteboom describes and analyses the livelihoods and social security of peasants and migrant Madurese. It offers a new way to categorise and analyse livelihood security of marginal people in Indonesia by using the concept of style.

Pengarang Nordholt, Henk Schulte
Hoefte, Rosemarijn
No. Panggil 304.56 FOR f
ISBN/ISSN 9789004282988
Subyek Poverty in Indonesia
Klasifikasi 304.56
Bahasa English
Penerbit Brill
Tahun Terbit 2015
Tempat Terbit Amsterdam
Kolasi 324 p.; 22 cm.
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